Myelofibrosis in a dog with non-regenerative anaemia
A 7-year-old Cocker Spaniel presented for lethargy caused by a chronic non-regenerative anaemia (Ht - 12%).

Final Diagnosis
Myelofibrosis associated with a marked non-regenerative anaemia
The RBC morphology seen in the blood smear (+++ ovalocytes) is not specific but it does suggest bone marrow disease (e.g. myelofibrosis or myelodysplastic disease/myeloid neoplasia). The myelofibrosis confirmed on histopathological examination of a bone marrow core accounts for the chronic marked non-regenerative anaemia in this case. This condition can be idiopathic but known causes of myelofibrosis include chronic bleeding, neoplasia, chronic inflammation, the use of myelotoxic drugs including cyclophosphamide and oestrogens, and radiation treatment.