Terms of Business
Fees for Services
Our prices do not include VAT. VAT will be added to all fees at the appropriate rate. We reserve the right to change prices without notice. Reports show an accumulated fee ex VAT for all tests performed to date under the same case number. Itemised VAT invoices are generated monthly. Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date. We reserve the right to charge interest on unpaid accounts. We reserve the right to pass on bank fees incurred as a result of international money transfers and returned cheques. We accept payment of invoices via cheque or BACS.
Sample reports
Sample reports can be supplied in any combination of the following: post, fascimile and/or e-mail (in plain text or HTML format).
Reports are not for publication or use in litigation without prior notification and our written consent.
Telephone discussions regarding reported cases are only undertaken with veterinarians employed by the submitting client practice. We do not discuss reports with third parties or owners.
Sample submission
Samples must be packaged according to Post Office and UN packing regulations. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that samples are correctly packed. Please be aware of your last posting time locally for next day deliveries. For urgent samples we suggest you use the Royal Mail Special Delivery Service. There are two levels of service: that which guarantees delivery by 9am and that which guarantees delivery by 1pm the following day (except on Saturdays).
Sample redirections/returns/cancellations
There is a fee of £7.50 + VAT for handling/postage of any material that we are requested to redirect or return. Tests in progress cannot be cancelled.