Prostate sampling
Several sampling methods are available and suitability depends on prior clinical examination and the likely differential diagnosis.
Prostatic massage
This is the preferred sampling method when prostatitis is the primary differential diagnosis.
Technique 1
To perform prostatic massage the bladder is emptied and after catherisation of the bladder, it is flushed with sterile saline the last 10 mls being kept as a premassage sample. Then the catheter is partially withdrawn beyond the prostate, the prostate is massaged per rectum or via the abdomen for minute or two; saline is then infused (20 – 30 ml) and the catheter is then advanced slowly past the prostate to the bladder gently aspirating en route.
Technique 2
Similar to above except no saline is used. After emptying the bladder, position the catheter level with the prostate and aspirate whilst massaging the prostate per rectum or via the abdomen.
Fine needle aspirate biopsy (FNAB)
Fine needle aspirate biopsies are performed particularly when benign prostatic hyperplasia or tumours are suspected.
Use our recommended fine needle aspirate technique. If fluid is aspirated, the whole mass should be aspirated and decompressed to help prevent leakage of fluid into the abdomen. A spinal needle may be useful particularly in larger dogs. Either a pararectal or percutaneous transabdominal approach is used whilst stabilising the gland via the rectum if required.